Community Forum on Discord

Our main community takes place on the application Discord. This platform allows us to communicate with each other through text, audio, and video -- all from the same interface. Designed for the purpose of community building, Discord is the logical basis for a diverse worldwide community, and is also easy to learn!

Discord can be accessed via dedicated applications on any android, ios, Mac, or Windows device. Installing Discord will allow you to easily stay up to date with the community and seamlessly log into community events like our weekly writing session series.


New to Discord? This will help you install the program and get started!

This is really all you need to look at -- the videos below are for a more detailed visual exploration of Discord. Most members will get by just fine by using the simple Discord help page above.


Community Guidelines

In order to ensure a safe and excellent community, all members adhere to the following:

  1. Be respectful! Err on the side of gentleness and good manners. If you're unsure what someone meant, ask politely for clarification! E-Communication is difficult because it cuts body-language and inflection, so don't assume you know what someone else means.

  2. Never record conversations here without permission. Admins and moderators may record or take screenshots for various reasons, including promotional purposes for the Discord, but normal members should make sure it's okay before doing this.

  3. You must follow this server nickname convention!

  • First Name, Middle (if applicable) Last Name* While we do not allow misc. nicknames, you may use the "professional name" you publish your work under if you prefer. For those of you with chosen names, you may use those as well, especially if those will be the names you publish under. What we don't allow are internet monikers or partial names.

  • Pronouns may be added as a Suffix to your name if placed within parenthesis i.e (They/Them).

  • No other information may be added in your Discord nickname.

  1. Never post personal information you don't consider "public," and likewise treat this as a public space when posting samples of your writing. Critique shares will be organized and handled privately.

  2. No NSFW or illegal content. Likewise, no trolling, spamming, advertising (beyond what is acceptable self-promotion in channels dedicated to such).

  3. In voice channels, use good voice etiquette. Reduce the amount of background noise, if possible. No loud or high-pitched sounds.

  4. Moderators reserve the right to use their own discretion regardless of any rule. Admin may alter and update server rules as-needed.

  5. If you need help, and cannot solve the issue yourself, ask the community. The #Discord-Information channel has introduction videos on how to use Discord if you're unfamiliar with it. Don't query for help until you're sure your question isn't answered there. If you're still confused, or have an important problem, navigate to the #Support channel and request support there!

  6. Have fun! This is a place to network, build community, and make friends. :)